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Religious Explorations needs donations of hard-boiled eggs for a children’s Easter celebration. We are asking that adults please bring hard-boiled eggs with them to church on March 20. (Please contact lead teacher Liz Bianco in advance via RVUUF’s contact form, so that we have an idea of how many eggs are being donated.) The eggs … Continue reading Religious Explorations needs hard-boiled eggs
I recently accessed a recorded webinar with Eric Bliss, youth ministry specialist for the UUA’s Pacific Western Region. He invited sharing widely these statements of UU theology, its “Five Jagged Rocks” or core beliefs.
Last month, RVUUF focused its attention on the Soul Matters theme of “Integrity.” In case you’d like to continue to address that theme through middle-grade age fiction, I recommend Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin.
Each year Boy Scouts of America designates “Scout Sunday” on the Sunday that falls before Feb. 8, which is Scouting Anniversary Day. During a special “Scout Sunday” observance at RVUUF this past Sunday, Wyatt Davis received the universal religious square knot emblem and the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Love and Help badge with Chalice after completing … Continue reading ‘Scout Sunday’ at RVUUF
Here’s a reminder that children go directly to their classrooms this Sunday, Jan. 31, at RVUUF. There will not be a “Time for All Ages” in the worship hall. Remember too, that the service is expected to last longer than usual, until about noon. As part of creating a new unified mission for RVUUF, its … Continue reading Children go directly to classes on Jan. 31
During Religious Explorations classes on Sunday, the pre-kindergarten to second grade had a lesson in Integrity through the story of “Strega Nona” acted out and expressed through art. While Strega Nona is away, her assistant uses her magic pot to make spaghetti. But he can’t make it stop and the spaghetti overruns the town. … Continue reading ‘Strega Nona’ and lesson in Integrity
Parents, your children are being asked to share their ideas for a unified mission for RVUUF. Three questions for RVUUF’s young people have been posted as a PDF document to RVUUFian Parents on Facebook. Paper copies will be available this coming Sunday, Jan. 24. Children can think about and write out or draw their answers … Continue reading Children’s vision for mission of RVUUF
The RVUUF Board charged an ad hoc team to come up with a process to gain a greater sense of community and direction for RVUUF. This “Process Team” will guide the entire congregation, including children and youth, to ignite a new unified mission for RVUUF.
Our young people in Religious Explorations assembled about 38 kits on Sunday, to be distributed to homeless people at the Pioneer Hall shelter. Thanks to everyone who contributed items and to Krynn Lukacs for organizing this project. Thanks also to Keegan and John Wieczorek for their presentation in R.E.; hopefully our young people gained an … Continue reading Care packages for Ashland homeless
Ashland’s Pioneer Hall homeless shelter will open in mid-November, and RVUUF’s Religious Explorations youth will assemble kits of useful items for the adults who will be sheltered there. Members of the congregation have generously donated socks, but additional items are needed. These include refillable water bottles, gloves (adult sizes only), tooth brushes and tooth paste, … Continue reading ‘Socks Plus’ drive needs more ‘plus’