Three questions to answer on Jan. 31

The RVUUF Board charged an ad hoc team to come up with a process to gain a greater sense of community and direction for RVUUF. This “Process Team” will guide the entire congregation, including children and youth, to ignite a new unified mission for RVUUF.

The Process Team consists of Katy Fox, Krynn Lukacs, Sara Reynolds, and Delores Nims, supported by Rev. Nan White and Janine Larsen, a UUA Congregational Life Consultant.

Rev. Nan’s recent sermons about vision and mission began this process and the next step is to receive thoughts and experiences from members and supporters of the congregation on Jan. 31.

The Process Team chose the “Appreciative Inquiry” model to gain this information. It will be used during an extended worship service that is expected to end between noon and 12:15 p.m.

RVUUF’s members and supporters will be asked three questions on Jan. 31 (printed below). The Process Team asks that prior to Jan. 31, please begin thinking about them. If it aids your recall, consider jotting down your thoughts and bringing them with you on Jan. 31.

Families, please note, there will be no Time for All Ages on Jan. 31. All children and youth should go directly to their classes. The children will be asked questions that are age-appropriate, but are similar to those being reflected on by the adults.

Appreciative Inquiry Questions

  1. Thinking about your entire experience at RVUUF, when were you most alive, motivated or excited about your experience? (If you haven’t been attending RVUUF very long, think of a peak experience in another church or community you valued.) To kick-start your thinking, try to remember as many details as possible:
    • What church event you were attending?
    • When did it take place? What time of year?
    • Where were you exactly?
    • Who was with you?
    • How did you feel about it ?
  2. Considering the experience you shared in question 1:
    • What important values were at the heart of those personal experiences?
    • What is it that made these experiences so positive?
    • In what ways did this time bring out the best in you and others?
  3. Appreciating the kinds of values and positive experiences that RVUUF can bring to people’s lives when things are at their best, imagine a time 5 or 10 years from now when everything has been going right at RVUUF. As you look around, it’s easy to see and feel that the church is full of excitement and buzzing with energy. Imagine that resources and leadership involvement at all age levels are flowing abundantly, and there is a strong sense of purpose in being connected to RVUUF.
    • What is RVUUF known for in the community?
    • What are you most proud of that RVUUF has accomplished to make life noticeably better in the Rogue Valley?

If you will not be at the service on Jan. 31, you may request a form via email or pick up a paper form (available in the foyer) to respond to these questions. To request the form via email, use RVUUF’s contact form to contact Katy Fox.