(Blue subheads link to pages with further information or contact forms.)

Anti-Racist Study Group
Are you curious about racism and discovering ways to oppose it? In this group we share personal stories, read books together, study cultural bias, attend events, connect with other community groups, organize worship presentations, and build close bonds of friendship. We meet on the FIRST and THIRD SATURDAY every month from 10:30am -12:00 on Zoom. Please submit a contact form to get more information and the Zoom link to participate in a meeting.

Care Team
These compassionate volunteers offer social support through communication and home visits, and they help with transportation and small tasks for those open to receive assistance. Visit the Pastoral Care page for more information or for the link to submit a contact form, either to join the team or request care.

The choir rehearses in the Great Hall on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm and performs at Sunday services twice a month. Director of Music Julie Crooks selects a variety of musical styles and welcomes all singers. Visit the Music and Choir page for more information or contact Julie.

Circle Suppers
These potluck meals are hosted by volunteers at RVUUF homes between October and June. They provide a unique opportunity for RVUUF people to eat lunch or dinner together and connect in a casual social setting. Look for coordinators Myrna Hall and Karin Webb under the balcony after a Sunday service to find out more. Or use this form to contact them.

Community Care Groups
Rev. Sean provides RVUUFians the opportunity to connect via zoom in smaller group community on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Contact Rev. Sean to join a group.

Compassionate Path Sangha
Thursdays, 9:00am -10:30am. Looking for a meditation group? Check out our Sangha, which includes both a silent and optional walking meditation, and readings from various Buddhist traditions followed by a lively discussion. If you’d like to participate, please click here.

Fellowship Fun Committee
We strive to strengthen beloved community by providing activities and events that are fun and enriching. Examples are the soup lunch in the fall and winter, salad lunch in the spring and summer, offsite picnics and a Thanksgiving potluck in the Great Hall. We also help support the annual Holiday craft faire and are open to new fun activities. Complete the very short interest form to get involved!

Humanism Explorations
Meets from 3 to 5 p.m. on first and third Sundays under the balcony of the Great Hall. This gathering is for everyone, not just Humanists. Current topics of interests to Humanists are studied, often from a recent book or article. During the meeting there often is a short reading related to the discussion topic available in the RVUUF library. To learn more contact Roy Kindell.

Men’s Groups
We have several men’s groups that meet regularly and provide each support to participants. Some groups have been meeting for months, others have been together for decades. For more information, check out the interest form here.

Mom’s Group
Moms with their kiddos are invited to connect and play from 11:30am to 2pm at RVUUF. We usually meet the first Friday of the month but February we are meeting on the second Thursday, February 13. Lunch is provided.

Neighborhood Teams
Our congregation is divided into five teams based on geographical location. These neighborhood teams take turns providing volunteer support and refreshments for Sunday worship, acting as greeters, ushers, coffee makers, etc. and some occasionally meet together for fellowship outside of church. To learn more about neighborhood teams, click here. Or join your team now!

RVUUF Riders
This bicycling group is open to all people of all ages, abilities and all types of bicycles, and often rides on Saturdays. Riders notify others anytime they’re looking for a riding buddy. Contact Krynn Lukacs for more information.

RVUUF Riders visit Jacksonville, by Jackie Rosen

Service Streaming Team
These volunteers work the computers, cameras and sound system every Sunday so that our services can be livestreamed and also recorded for our YouTube channel. If you’d like to find out more about their important work and possibly join them, contact Walter Ensign.

Social Justice and Action
Social Justice and Action (SJA) is an important part of our mission, and our SJA Committee is an active group, meeting om the third Sunday of each month in the RVUUF Conference Room. Click here to learn more.

Women’s Group
Circle of Sisters Monday Night Open Women’s Group This is a shared-facilitation discussion group. All members take a turn selecting a topic and leading the discussion. The format is similar to the UUA Small Group Ministry Program. It meets in the library on the 2nd Monday of each month, 6:00-7:30pm and is open to new members. Contact Krynn Lukacs to receive meeting reminders.