Category: Nan’s News

Messages from Rev. Nan L. White, RVUUF Developmental Minister from 2014 to 2017

Nan’s News: Opportunities for connection

September at RVUUF will offer multiple opportunities for members and friends to gain deeper connections and meaningful relationships that I hope you’ll consider. Watching News to Note is one way to find out about all the opportunities.

Nan’s News: Mission, summer and connection

Three things I want to mention in this month’s article: one is about our new mission statement, the second is about my summer schedule, and third is about the importance of connecting to each other even when summer tends to separate us until the fall when we gather together again.

Compelling mission statement: Why?

Rev. Robert Latham suggests that a mission statement should be revisited about every five years because in the life of a congregation, over time, the following occurs naturally: Ritualistic numbing Language becomes obsolete Membership addition and subtraction Ownership erosion He lists a few traps to watch out for when focusing on a new mission statement: … Continue reading Compelling mission statement: Why?