On Sunday mornings…
When you enter the building, the front foyer might be quiet, or it might be abuzz with activity. But when you step from there into the Great Hall, you can take a seat and enjoy the peaceful space. Look around.
One member described her first visit like this: “The stain glass window got my immediate attention. A chalice surrounded by nature, and even a hint of the night sky. I kind of lost myself in it. And then I saw the banners on a side wall describing UU principles and values – and I found myself in them! Inherent worth and dignity of every person? Yes! Justice, Equity and Compassion in human relations? Yes! Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth? Yes! I kept reading and I saw myself in every one.”
Just before 10:30 our pianist performs a number and then the service begins. It brings together those principles and values in a blend of music, meditation, readings, and poetry – a sort of banquet for the head and the heart. Someone usually reads a storybook with a message for all ages on the steps to the platform. Children (and enthusiastic grownups) sit close to see the pictures, and afterwards the children leave the Great Hall to attend their classes. The congregation sings a couple of hymns and sometimes the choir performs. Of course the service usually includes a lesson, aka “sermon,” delivered by our minister, Rev Sean Dennison Parker, or guest speakers. The overall effect is one of peace and inspiration but also a call to action – because Unitarian Universalists share a commitment to make the world a better place.
And then there’s coffee hour
Volunteers make coffee, tea and snacks that encourage everyone to linger and chat after the services in the area under the balcony. A screen displays slides about ongoing activities and announcements. Ask questions, get acquainted, get connected. We hope you find something you like here and that you come back for more.