…to help the RVUUF Board of Trustees in their initiative to finalize a Governance System for the Fellowship. We have our Bylaws (which are the legal rules by which we must operate), and we have our Policies & Procedures. But a Governance System addresses “how” get things done.

It defines the governing functions of the organization – which, in our case are the Board, Minister, and Covenant Committee (the “Tripod”) and details the Responsibilities, Authority, and Accountability of each.

Please help the Board in this initiative by taking a look at the information provided under the new “Governance” drop-down menu on the RVUUF homepage. If you have some helpful suggestions toward finalizing a Governance Document for RVUUF, please contact any Board Member.

As you do this, keep in mind our Fifth Principal: “The Right of Conscience and the Use
of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large”. We need everyone’s participation to make our RVUUF Democracy work!