Trauma Support Via Zoom with the UU Trauma Ministry Team, THIS Saturday, Sep 19, 10:30am

ALL Affected Are Welcome
Advance Registration Required

Please join members of the UU Trauma Ministry Team and other members and friends of RVUUF on Saturday, September 19 @ 10:30 am (PT) via ZOOM for an opportunity to explore the ways in which the fires are affecting each of us and how we can support each other and those around us during this important time.

The UU Trauma Response Ministry was established in 2002 and has for the past 18 years worked with congregations across the country who have faced a variety of difficult and tragic circumstances including wildfires in southern California, Hurricanes Charlie, Katrina and Maria; the shootings at Tennessee Valley UU Church as well as many other incidents of natural and human made disaster and trauma.

Those who have benefited in the past from the presence of UUTRM report that their work helped greatly, especially through the initial stages of their experiences.  Even those participants who didn’t personally feel as though they needed to talk found that their presence was helpful for others who did.  Please join us for this important conversation.

Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.