Kwanzaa: Black Joy as Resistance
Kwanzaa was created to teach and celebrate seven core principles of African-American community and culture. We will learn about the traditions, symbols and principles of the week-long holiday.
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Kwanzaa was created to teach and celebrate seven core principles of African-American community and culture. We will learn about the traditions, symbols and principles of the week-long holiday.
Come to the RVUUF building to see the lights, listen to music, see others from the congregation (outdoors and at a safe distance) and have a chance to give socks, hats, scarves, and other warm clothing to those in need.
In the cold dark of the winter solstice, we can still celebrate. Among the lessons of the season is the need for rest, for calm, and for the time to let ourselves be nourished, nurtured, and healed so we can live fully.
Reverend Kimberley Debus leads this Zoom service asking: How do we find joy amidst hardship and grief, especially in a season that cajoles us to be happy? Where might grace show up in the frustrations of another holiday season spent apart? Please sign up for our email list to receive an email with a link … Continue reading Unexpected
Our Soul Matters question asks us “How are we opening to joy?” In this time full of stresses and hardship, what are the practices that open us to joy?