The FUN Begins!

As announced last Sunday, our FUNRaiser event preparation has started and we need your support for the next step.

Our goal for this multiple month event is to encourage FUN while meeting with other members of RVUUF, finding out more each other, and raising funds for RVUF operations.

Your goal is to offer and attend as many fun events, services and items as you can to enjoy the vast array of wonderful experiences being offered by fellow RVUUFians for the next few months. You are encouraged to bring friends, family, neighbors, etc. to all the events.

Please look for the colorful OFFER forms on Sundays in the RVUUF front lobby, coming to you in your email, and available online at

Bring those completed forms back and put them in the basket at church, or email to as soon as you can.

A catalogue of all offers will be available before March 23rd so you know what to bid on. Let the FUN begin!!

Contact Donna Barrett or Julie Crooks for More Information