Sunday services, July 2016

Here’s a look at services taking place in July 2016. Services take place at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday in RVUUF’s Great Hall. Gathering music begins at 10:25 a.m.

July 3: What Does This Fourth of July Mean to Us?
Our nation’s 240th birthday is uniquely shadowed by angst about recent events and the November election. What do we celebrate and how do we live our UU faith in the face of these uncertain times? Music and words will support us.

July 10: What Place Does Social Justice Have in Judaism and the Torah?
We are pleased to have Rabbi Joshua Boettinger with us again, and to hear his perspective on the social justice issues that become ever more pressing in our world.

July 17: Being Wrong
We welcome as guest minister, Father Joel S. Garavaglia-Maiorano, an Episcopalian priest and Director of Pastoral Services at the Rogue Valley Manor, who will speak on “Being Wrong.” The Southern Oregon Latino Scholarship Fund is the third-Sunday offering recipient

July 24: I Disagree
When the speaker in our free pulpit says something that you disagree with, how do you respond? Fellowship member Alison Duren-Sutherland will offer some practices to turn your disagreement with a speaker’s message into an opportunity to embrace diversity, empower connection and engage in the work of Unitarian Universalist spirituality.

July 31: Fear Itself
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Franklin D. Roosevelt said this in his inaugural address of 1933, a time when our country was in serious trouble.

Margaret Mason and Diane Werich will examine fear as the underlying problem of much of the ills of today. How do we solve problems with creativity and courage in a fear-based society?

For up-to-date descriptions, visit our Sunday Morning Services page as well as the RVUUF blog.