Here’s a look at services taking place in December 2018. Services take place at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday in RVUUF’s Great Hall. Gathering music begins at 10:25 a.m.
Dec. 2: Holding Still for Holy Days
In this busy season, we sometimes need a moment to hold still, take a deep breath, and remember what it’s all about. This service will help us slow down for just a moment and connect with what makes this time of year meaningful.
Dec. 9: Miracles and Mysteries
Hanukkah is a celebration of light that would not go out and liberation from a tyrant. Today at RVUUF, we celebrate what is sometimes called the real miracle: that in the face of such despair, they lit the lights at all. We will also talk about who “lit the lights” at RVUUF as we celebrate the 65th anniversary of our founding.
Dec. 16: A Cooperative Nativity
Experience the joy of the season with an old-fashioned (no rehearsal) Christmas pageant. Hear the old stories and songs and watch (or participate in!) this all-ages service.
Dec. 23: Where the Past Becomes the Future
Margaret Atwood said of the solstice, “This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath, the door of a vanished house left ajar…” Today, we celebrate the Winter Solstice with ritual and reflection.
Dec 24: About to Turn: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Musical prelude begins at 4:15 pm. In this traditional Christmas Eve service, we will sing together, hear the revolutionary story of the nativity, and celebrate that love is with us always.
Dec. 30: Kwanzaa Service
It’s Kwanzaa Time! Let us seek to gain insight into Kwanzaa, the struggles and vision that created it, and why it is relevant to everyone.
For up-to-date descriptions, visit our Sunday Morning Services page as well as the RVUUF blog.