Steward’s Corner: Workers in, and guardians of, this world

In 1950 it was required at my university to take a religion course. I chose World Religions and discovered the Unitarian Church of Toronto and I have never regretted the choice.

When I chose to move to Oregon, a UU congregation was mandatory. There were three possibilities. I had attended each on previous visits but this was a life change, so I checked their Internet and web pages. In 2012 I visited each location to check out the UU reality (as well as several other criteria).

RVUUF had professional leadership, a living history, religious exploration for children and adults, a Green Sanctuary program (so positive where I was), and commitment to active social action. I was impressed by the membership number as a percentage of the area’s population – almost as high as Ithaca, New York’s.

So here I am. My faith has evolved in the years since 1950. Today? I believe that we are workers in and guardians of this world. I believe in the worth and dignity of our fellow creatures. I believe in living lightly on this earth. I believe in tithing my talent, time and treasure in the work.

Elinor Reed Knight
Member/Supporter of RVUUF