Steward’s Corner: Responsibility to contribute

Growing up in Colorado I attended the Lutheran church. I met my husband, Brad, while working at a church camp in the Rockies. After our girls were born I did not want them “picking religion up on the streets” and found the UU Fellowship in Rochester, MN.

Hanna, Rachel and I grew up in the church together. I volunteered in R.E. classes as they aged, learning core values from what the children were taught. We moved to OR in 1989 and Hanna and Rachel were active in the district wide UU youth group and remain friends 25 years later with youth they met. Both girls express appreciation growing up UU because they could talk about things there they could not talk about anywhere else.

I believe it is my responsibility to contribute to the Fellowship’s well-being as I am able. Committee meetings are out, due to frequent out-of-town travel. However, I do pledge annually and volunteer in activities I enjoy and that can accommodate my schedule. This includes kitchen clean-up, Adopt A Highway Litter patrol, church clean-up week-ends and special events and I always participate when my Neighborhood has Sunday Support.

These are my opportunities to meet and know other members.

Lorraine Linder
Member/Supporter of RVUUF