Steward’s Corner: Grateful for our RVUUF community

I joined RVUUF in early 2008. At first I wanted to give more than I could sustain, both in time and treasure.

During these past nine years I have had a lot of personal turmoil to work through. It wasn’t always pretty — sometimes it was quite messy, but RVUUF and the relationships I’ve made here is what helped sustain me.

So, thank you for your patience with me when I took on too much and had to backpedal. Thank you for giving me the space to make mistakes, to learn and grown from them. Thank you for letting me practice learning to say “no,” that still isn’t always eloquent, but allows me to mess up and come back and try to do it right.

I’m grateful for adult education classes, Rev. Cat Cox and Rev. Nan’s classes and many opportunities to serve and grow.

I am especially grateful for our RVUUF community. As such, I increased my pledge 44-percent this year, which isn’t huge in absolute dollars, but is significant in my personal budget. It is given with deep gratitude and love for what we as a congregation have created and continue to build here at RVUUF.

Ann Hackett
Member/Supporter of RVUUF