Speaker: Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

Intimacy and Ultimacy

Some theologians have described our need for healthy relationships as a search for intimacy and ultimacy. Others talk of horizontal relationships with other people and a vertical relationship with God, a higher power, or “that which is greater than me.” What are the models and shapes of relationship that help us feel connected to our … Continue reading Intimacy and Ultimacy

UUs at the Movies: Revisiting Redemption

What have we learned since 1994 when “The Shawshank Redemption” was released? How does what we’ve learned about the history of incarceration, the experience of pandemic, the shifts and conflicts in our nation, the persistence of white supremacy, and all that we have learned about ourselves change our experience of the film’s message that “hope … Continue reading UUs at the Movies: Revisiting Redemption

A People of Play

In Rev. Sean’s twenty one years of ministry, he has witnessed how seriously Unitarian Universalists take their congregational work, the mission to make the world a better place, and sometimes ourselves. What would it mean to consider being a people of play? How can we do good and still have fun?

Stories of Memory

On this day set aside to remember those who died in service to our nation, how can we tell a new story of peace? Is it possible to change the story of humanity to not only exclude violence, but to heal from the damage it has done?

Tongues of Fire

Can an ancient sacred story about the infilling of the holy spirit be useful to Unitarian Universalists? What if a retelling through new lens makes all the difference? What if the message of Pentecost really has been applicable all along? Watch on YouTube.

Equal Parts Tender and Fierce

This Mother’s Day we will address the archetype of Mothers. For better or worse, we all have to grapple with mothers. We will grieve, celebrate, and try to tell true stories of what we know about mothers. Watch on YouTube.