Paradise or the Other Place: Where Do Good Intentions Lead?
Good intentions are not always enough. Sometimes even when intentions are good, the impact of our actions may not be what we hope. How do we learn from these moments?
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Good intentions are not always enough. Sometimes even when intentions are good, the impact of our actions may not be what we hope. How do we learn from these moments?
The beginning of a new year is often a time of setting intentions in the form of resolutions. It’s also a good time to let go of things that are no longer working. We will begin exploring the Soul Matters question “How are we living with intention: and explore the power (and also the limits) … Continue reading How Are We Living With Intention?
Kwanzaa was created to teach and celebrate seven core principles of African-American community and culture. We will learn about the traditions, symbols and principles of the week-long holiday.
Come to the RVUUF building to see the lights, listen to music, see others from the congregation (outdoors and at a safe distance) and have a chance to give socks, hats, scarves, and other warm clothing to those in need.
In the cold dark of the winter solstice, we can still celebrate. Among the lessons of the season is the need for rest, for calm, and for the time to let ourselves be nourished, nurtured, and healed so we can live fully.
Our Soul Matters question asks us “How are we opening to joy?” In this time full of stresses and hardship, what are the practices that open us to joy?
The conflict over critical race theory is just one way that we see people react to new ideas and values, In our tradition the search for truth isn’t complete unless it is both free and responsible. Critical thinking is actually one of the core practices of our tradition. It’s the purpose of our congregational focus … Continue reading Critical Thinking: Practicing Our Principles
What is our relationship to history? We hear that it is written by the winner and that if we don’t learn from it we are doomed to repeat it. But what happens when we think of history as a story instead of fact? Can we adapt, learn, change, and hold history with both honesty and … Continue reading How Are We Holding History?
Relationships have never ended at death. It is the beauty and sorrow of love that it continues even when the beloved is gone. On this Sunday that is so close to so many holy days of memory and blessing, we will remember our beloveds, our ancestors, and the love that never lets us go.
A covenant, even if it is written down in detail, is not a static, unchanging thing. Our covenant is always evolving, always reflecting what we have learned about how to love each other better. So what would it look like if we were always cultivating our covenant, helping it grow and helping it help us … Continue reading Cultivating Covenant