Speaker: Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

Faith In A Time of Fear

We’ve been immersed in fear and worry for so long, how to we find and reconnect with what holds us steady and helps get us through? We will explore the faith that grows in times of fear.

How Are We Renewing Faith?

Our Soul Matters question for March is “How are we renewing faith?” What can that question mean to a diverse congregation with a beautiful pluralism of beliefs? Can we really talk about faith?

Love Blossoms and Grows

Are we ready for Spring? Are we ready to journey toward a promised land or through the days of preparation for spring and rebirth? How do we help our faith blossom when the days are still gray and cold?

Circle Round

One of our hymns urges us to “Circle ‘round for freedom, circle ‘round for peace, for all of us imprisoned, circle for release, circle for the planet, circle for each soul, for the children of our children, keep the circle whole.” Rev. Sean returns from his time of renewal to lead us in considering how … Continue reading Circle Round

A Mission for Life

Do you have a mission for your life? A purpose? A guiding reason for the choices you make and a map that helps you orient to your values and gives guidance when you don’t know what’s next?

Christmas Eve Outdoor Service

Come to the RVUUF building to see the lights, listen to music, see others from the congregation (outdoors and at a safe distance) and have a chance to give socks, hats, scarves, and other warm clothing to those in need.