Speaker: Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

Blessing Each Other

UPDATE: 6/10/22 – Due to exposure of many RVUFFians to Covid this week, this service has been moved to ZOOM and will not be LIVESTREAMED OR IN-PERSON. We just don’t have enough folks to make it happen this week. We’re so sorry, but the Re-opening Task Force convened an emergency meeting today at 4pm and … Continue reading Blessing Each Other

How Are We Celebrating Blessings?

Our Soul Matters question for June asks us “How are we celebrating blessings?” We will unpack the question and begin to consider how celebration and counting blessings can make our lives and our congregation better.

Beauty Lives On

In this Livestream service we honor Memorial Day weekend, a time to honor and remember the best in those who have lived and died and given us so much. This service will give us space to remember the beauty that lives on.

The Art of Making Things Beautiful

How are art and spirituality connected? How does art elevate the ordinary and help us notice beauty? How does it open us to the transcendent that is present, but so often goes unnoticed? Rev. Sean leads this video service.

The Ones Who Nurture Us

Mother’s day celebrates the ones that nourish us and the ways we help ourselves and others flourish. It is also a time of remembrance and a moment to take care with each other as we consider all who offer support and nurture in this world.

Old Stories That Awaken the New

One of the things Rev. Sean likes best about being a minister is finding new meaning in the old stories that have guided people so long. We’ll explore Passover and other stories that keep us going and reveal themselves anew.

Awakening, Again!

In this timely service we celebrate rebirth, resurrection, reawakening, and liberation. The stories, songs, and other expressions of this season of awakening will frame our service and celebration.

How Are We Awakening?

This will be a Zoom service led by Rev. Sean. April brings many kinds of awakenings to the earth and to each of us. We begin to consider what awakening can look like in our lives.

Faithful to Humanity

Unitarian Universalism was transformed by the articulation of humanism as one of our sources of wisdom in the mid twentieth century. How does this continue to guide us and help us be faithful to a welcome that is wide and deep?