Speaker: Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

The Pulpit & the Pew

We have long held the freedom of the pulpit to be a sacred value. We don’t insist the minister preach only from a certain point of view, catechism or creed. But we also believe in the freedom of those in the pews…Rev. Sean will talk about the joys and responsibilities of these freedoms.

Freedom of Belief

Unitarian Universalism is known for and founded on freedom of belief. But what does that mean? How do we stay faithful to our individual beliefs while creating real community?

Practicing Love & Forgiveness

When we center our congregations in the practice of love, we have to grapple with the realities of our humanity: we mess up, we make mistakes, we break our promises. That is why forgiveness is a part of how we live our covenant and practice loving and upholding the dignity of every person.

The Spiritual Foundation of Love

This year’s monthly themes come directly from the statement of values in the new draft of Article 2 of our Unitarian Universalist bylaws. Don’t despair, they are anything but boring. We begin with Love and why it is the center of it all.

Christmas Eve Service: Let Every Heart Prepare Love Room

The Christmas story is one story of the entrance of Love into the world through unlikely people in an unlikely place and time. In our traditional service, we reconnect with the presence and necessity of love with us. In-person and livestreamed gathering music beginning at 4:15pm. For those joining us online, CLICK HERE to find … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service: Let Every Heart Prepare Love Room

Winter Lessons

What are the lessons of the season of short days and long nights? The gifts of a season of gathering around a fire for warmth? The stories of hope told to get through?

Hand in Hand: Joy and Grief

A lyric in a song by the Bengsons names “my joy and my grief, siblings together” and considers the connection, which is love. The deeper the love, the deeper both the grief and the joy we experience. This service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Joy In Gratitude

The practices of community and gratitude are front and center at this time of year. Today’s service will give us a chance to be grateful together. This service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. Click here to view the Order of Worship in PDF format.