Speaker: Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

What’s Power Got to Do With It?

Power is sometimes seen as a negative. a part of a hierarchy that limits power to the top. But we also know about personal power and the concept of “power with” which is Rev. Sean’s commitment in ministry. We will begin our month-long exploration of power. -Led by Rev. Sean

A Preacher’s Dream

Rev. Sean shares with us his dream for UU congregations like ours. What would we be doing? How would we treat each other? What would it feel like? Can we imagine something so bold and exciting that we won’t want anything else?

Covenantal Joy

Sometimes pluralism, diversity, and inclusion is set out as a challenge that we are obligated to endure. But what about the joy of being part of a truly pluralistic community? Can we celebrate and look forward to difference? Can we enjoy the gifts of learning from each other?

Pluralism: We Need Not Think Alike

We usually think of pluralism as an historic value upon which our nation was founded. But what does pluralism ask of us in our congregations? How can we build a congregation where we need not think alike to love and be loved.

Are All Welcome?

Do we really welcome everyone? Can you believe anything you want and be part of a UU congregation? What are the boundaries that preserve the safety and wellbeing of all?

There Is a Love

This Valentines Day week, we consider Love as a form of inclusion. How do we spread the Universalist message that every person is not only deserving of love, but is already held by the Love that sustains us all?

Preemptive Radical Inclusion

Instead of being welcoming or diverse, which can still leave barriers in place, can we live up to a standard of Preemptive Radical Inclusion? What does it mean to be ready to invite everyone to the welcome table?

We Value Equity

We, as an association, name equity as one of our central values. What is equity? What does an equitable society look like? What can we do to ensure equity for all?