SOPride Parade volunteers needed

Rainbow flag billowing against a background of blue sky, tree foliage and part of a house
Photo by Harriet Berman during 2014 Parade

RVUUF needs volunteers to help decorate its float for the Southern Oregon Pride Parade.

The parade begins at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10. The route goes through downtown Ashland and ends at the band shell in Lithia Park for live entertainment and booths. This year’s parade theme is “Be Yourself-Change the World.”

According to Ann Hackett and Linden Crouch, writing in this week’s “News to Note,” RVUUF has been a supporter and participant since the parade began in 2010, as a dream of Gina DuQuenne to support the LGBTQ community.

A team of folks are needed to decorate RVUUF’s trailer and truck and make signs for people to carry. Decorating will begin at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 9. Use RVUUF’s contact form to request additional details.

“Please sign up on the back table if you can donate some of your time and energy in decorating the float on Friday and if you forget to sign up, please join us anyway. We need you!”

RVUUF also invites people to participate during the Parade Day. “You can do that by riding on the float, walking alongside the float, or cheering us on from the sidelines!” Watch “News to Note” for future updates concerning when and where to meet to be part of the parade.