Sept. 13, 2015: Promising to Re-connect

The Sept. 13 service offers a time to transition from summer to the beginning of an exciting new year in the life of RVUUF. Rev. Nan White will lead us through a ritual we know as our annual Water Ceremony. Interwoven with this ritual will be music, message and meaning as we join in worship together as a Beloved Community.

Everyone is invited to bring a small container of water to pour into our common bowl, briefly sharing what meaning was made for you or your family during the summer.

Religious Explorations classes will begin after the children have poured water into our common bowl at the conclusion of the Time for All Ages element of this service.

Rev. White will be back in the pulpit with a homily shedding light on the importance of rituals, like our Water Ceremony, in the life of a community, and its connection to the new Soul Matters program that will begin in October. Following the service we will do another annual ritual as we eat together in the side yard (or inside if too smokey!). Everyone is invited.