Recycling tips from ‘Master Recycler’ class

Ann Hackett and Adrienne Kimmy are currently taking the “Master Recycler” class on behalf of RVUUF. They will begin to share tips regarding recycling in the Rogue Valley as they progress through the class. If you have any specific questions you’d like Ann and Adrienne to ask during the class, please connect with Ann via RVUUF’s contact form.

Please think PRE-CYCLE when it comes to plastic. Make wiser purchasing choices and don’t bring the plastic into your homes in the first place. The purchasing dollar will eventually drive the market. Use your own containers and buy in bulk, re-Use previous plastic, take your own containers to dinner for carrying home leftovers, make/grow your own or buy local. This all requires planning ahead and shifting our thinking away from immediate gratification and perhaps convenience towards healthier choices for our bodies and our earth. (Ann/Adrienne)

Ashlanders may take their CLEAN plastic clam shell containers (ones that held produce, apples, lettuce, etc. with an attached lid that snaps closed) to Ashland Food Co-op provided it has the number 1 on the bottom of the container in the recycle symbol. Take to one of the employees in the produce department. (Wendy Eppinger)

The only plastic allowed in your curbside recycle bin are:

  1. CLEAN plastic bottles with the neck smaller than the body of the bottle. NO LIDS.
  2. CLEAN plastic margarine/yogurt tubs. NO LIDS.

Why no lids you may ask? Because they get caught up in the sorting machines with other items like paper where they cause problems with the recycling process. Stay tuned to find out if the Plastic Roundup will be scheduled for this Fall for all non curbside recyclable plastic. (Ann/Adrienne)

Soft plastic (bags) may be taken to the Ashland Water Street Recycle Center or to a local grocery store and some big box stores. Please DO NOT place any soft plastic in your recycle bins…they get wound up in the sorting machines and then melt onto the equipment which causes the recycle centers to have to shut down the equipment and laboriously scrape the plastic off of the belts/equipment. Again, PRE-CYCLE – bring your own cloth bags for purchases (including for produce and bulk products) and buy in bulk. “A tip from my chef sister is that when you buy spices you should only buy what you’ll use in a month or for a specific recipe in bulk – the spice will be much fresher and tastier and be significantly cheaper.” Ann. (Ann/Adrienne)