Pride Parade: RVUUF float-decoration planned

Rainbow flag billowing against a background of blue sky, tree foliage and part of a house
Photo by Harriet Berman during 2014 Parade
Please save the dates for RVUUF’s annual Pride Parade float decoration at noon on Friday, Oct. 12 (at a private residence) and for the parade itself on Saturday, Oct. 13 (line-up time and location TBD.) RVUUF needs both float decorators and marchers/riders for its float entry.

“Rising with Pride” is the theme this year for the Rogue Valley Pride Celebration. Linden is handling the administrivia, Ann is handling getting the trailer for RVUUF’s float, and organizers are looking for a volunteer to help coordinate decorations. If you are interested in a small organization task, please use RVUUF’s contact form to connect with Ann or Linden.