President’s Report for annual Congregational Meeting on May 22, 2016

In the spring of 2014, Congregants met to do strategic planning and developed the following five-year goals for 2014-2015: We, the member of the Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, commit ourselves to implementing the following five goals for the five-year period beginning with the 2015-2016 church year.

1. Strengthen the ongoing health of this Beloved Community by adhering to the Covenant of Right Relations in all our interactions with Fellowship members and staff. The Covenant is composed of nine items which expressed our RVUUF values and how we wished to treat each other.

  • In the past two years we have improved our communications. We seldom use emails to confront or discuss conflicts.
  • Many of us have studied Empowered Communication with Rev. Cat Cox.
  • People express conflicting views in respectful ways and generally speak directly to the other person.
  • “Listening Ear” and published Board agendas and minutes have improved communication between the Congregation and Board.
  • The Board conducted quarterly Congregation Informational meetings

2. Rebuild our governance structure and operations in order to clarify responsibilities of committees and staff and allocate appropriate authority to carry out those responsibilities.

  • Rebuilt our website to be more informative and effective as a marketing tool
  • Ensured the accessibility and security of documents on Google Docs
  • Revised our mission statement eliciting input from the whole congregation
  • Instituted training as a regular part of our Board meetings, e.g. best practices, systems theory.
  • Evaluated Board meetings with process observation.
  • Conducted training at the annual Board retreat
  • Encouraged greater diversity on the Board by scheduling meetings in the evening to accommodate younger working people
  • Developed an annual Board calendar.
  • Board members served as liaisons to important committees
  • Reinstituted the Membership Committee
  • Held several meetings with the Medford UU Group to clarify the relationship

3. Leadership Development: Encourage members to take on leadership roles and support their leadership efforts. 3.1 Grow and train current leaders

  • Learned how to do process observing
  • Studied and discussed Governance and Ministry
  • Sent two people to Leadership school each year
  • Ensured that all groups have covenants, clear goals and objectives and use best practices.
  • Revised many of the policies and procedures
  • Conducted quarterly Committee Nights
  • Held cluster Board training with Moderator, Jim Key

3.2 Increase the pool of leaders

  • Subsidized General Assembly delegates
  • Interviewed new members to discover their passion and skills and how they might fit into RVUUF’s committees.
  • Provided training and opportunities for participation through Neighborhood Teams and RVUUF Builders.
  • Committees actively recruited new members.
  • Encouraged committee chairs to have succession plans and mentor potential leaders

4. Promote a culture of generosity by providing a variety of ways members may contribute to the Fellowship on a year-round basis.

  • Invited all congregants to serve on a Neighborhood Team
  • Three people gave “Manifesting Our Missions” speeches during the Stewardship campaign
  • Contributed monthly to the Food Bank and a non-profit organization
  • Balanced the budget
  • Pledges and plate income exceeded expectations
  • The average pledge amount has increased
  • Several members have given to individual projects, e.g. music and landscaping.
  • The Great Decisions group donated a flat screen TV
  • Walter Ensign applied and received a Pacific Northwest District grant for a new projector
  • A successful auction was conducted by Kathleen Hering and her committee

5. Commit to actively participating in promoting the purpose, mission and vision of our congregation

  • Supported the development of opportunities for congregants to be of service to people inside and outside of our walls
  • Participated in the Emergency Winter shelter program for the homeless
  • Reconstituted the Caring Committee
  • Supported the Social Justice and Action Committee’s recruitment and social justice work
  • Developed and supported the Interfaith Coalition
  • Many congregants participated in the “Soul Matters” program
  • Provided intergenerational programs that built community
  • Joined the Islamic faith group for a potluck dinner

Delores Nims
RVUUF Board President