President’s Post: Time to pass the gavel

This is my last President’s post as I am handing the gavel to …? I want to thank my fellow Board members and the Congregation for the opportunity to serve as your president for the past two years. This position has changed me. I have a greater appreciation for our community and increased self-confidence. I intend to remain on the Board another year to ensure a smooth transition to the new president. I love how RVUUF has evolved in the past two years. We are making every child, youth, and adult who walks in the front door feel cherished.

Our groups and committees are vital and thriving. There have been many changes in committee chairs, which prevents burn-out and strengthens the committees, e.g. Social Justice and Action, Committee on Fellowship Ministry, Adult Education, Neighborhood Teams, Aesthetics, Finance, Stewardship and Personnel. Together, we are building beloved community. Service IS a spiritual activity. Two years ago, our Religious Education and Music Program were in disarray but now they are healthy and functioning beautifully. I was impressed to learn that Rev. Nan earned degrees in both church music and religious education.

Several important improvements have been outsourcing bookkeeping, hiring Cynthia Parkhill to manage our website, and Dawn Nightshade creating a more efficient process for building rentals. Realizing the importance of communication between the Board and Congregation, we instituted quarterly Committee Nights, Congregational Information Meetings and monthly “Listening Ear” events. We are on track to realize our mission and vision and I am deeply grateful for playing a small part in that.

Delores Nims, president
RVUUF board of Directors