President’s Post: RVUUF staff and volunteers do great job

I am pleased to report that our RVUUF staff and volunteers are doing a great job. The Finance Committee has created a 2016-17 budget. Stewardship, led by Jim Meckel, has nearly completed the pledge drive, which included inspiring talks on gratitude by Mary Rexford, Krynn Lukacs and Shaun Garner.

The Nominating Committee, led by Kathleen Maloney, has chosen four new Board candidates. The Board is preparing for an informational meeting on May 8 and the annual congregation meeting on May 22.

The Aesthetics Committee, Ellen Gardner and Fran Petschek, has installed a new sign out front and ordered shades for the front windows.

Building and Grounds, led by Morty Smith, has beautified the landscape, installed a ramp to Emerson House and cleaned the building (a special thanks to Jan and Ron Waitt).

Our young choral scholars, Bailey and Michael, have thrilled us with lovely solos on Sundays.

The Fellowship Fun Committee, led by Lois Pettinger, continues to come up with fun activities. On April 17 they held a potluck and Bingo game.

The Membership Committee, led by Colleen Chambers, completed the new-member orientation and we welcomed four new members on April 17.
The Mission Writing Committee has created a new mission to be voted on May 22.

Roy Kindell and Victoria Law will represent the Fellowship at the Leadership School at Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. from July 23 to 29.

Walter Ensign of the Technology Committee has ordered the new projector and designed a handsome a/v cabinet (constructed by John Serra) under the balcony.

Social Justice and Action, led by Linden Crouch and Diane Werich, has started an interfaith organization and thanks to the efforts of Rev. Nan and John Wieczorek, negotiated with the city to use Pioneer Hall for the emergency shelter again in the fall.

The Women’s Retreat Committee is planning the 12th annual retreat at St. Rita’s Conference Center from Oct. 21 to 23.

Delores Nims, president
RVUUF Board of Directors