President’s Post: Let’s all embrace diversity

This is my first letter to the Fellowship and I would like to take the opportunity to thank Delores Nims for her great leadership over the past two years. She has worked hours and hours to try to get the Fellowship back on track and I believe she has succeeded in most all ways. Thank you, Delores!

As I assume the presidency of the board I am humbled by the task. I love this fellowship and have great expectations for its future. I look at the first words of our Mission Statement and I am in awe at the “EMBRACE DIVERSITY” statement. I am an agnostic but I have great friends that are atheists and many that are traditional Christian souls. They all have a place in our Fellowship and I honor them all!

As we move into this coming year let us all embrace diversity and celebrate that we are all a part of the whole that we call the Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

I love you all!

Jim Meckel
Incoming president
RVUUF Board of Directors