President’s Post: Awesome committees ‘Engage in the Work’


I am sorry to report that Sheryl Abbott has had to resign from the RVUUF Board due to a family medical issue. At our last Board meeting we sent her off with our love, hugs and positive thoughts. Thank you Sheryl and our positive thoughts are with you.

The Board’s responsibility is to find a replacement Board member and we have asked Alex Lukacs to join us. He said yes. He comes with a wealth of UU experience from Pennsylvania. I feel honored and delighted to have him as a part of our Board.

On Thursday, Aug. 25 we had an incredible Committee Night. We had the entire Board and 23 Committee Chairs or members present. There was lasagna, salad, great vegan dish from Joanie and even greater dessert from Joanie but most important was the “Engage in the Work” spirit of the event. Wow! We have some awesome Committees but even more awesome Committee Chairs and Members.

I am going to get one or two Committee Chairs each week to write a short description of their process for the News to Note. We need to know what is going on and hopefully find Committees that each of us can join and “Engage in the Work” with them.

I had a long talk with one of our Committee Chairs today and left this person with the statement “We love you.” Our process is a family process and we need to join together to get the “Work” done.

I close every communication with two words that I feel describe a vital element of our RVUUF.

In Community,

Jim Meckel
RVUUF Board President