President’s Letter to the Fellowship July 31, 2020

Every once in awhile, I will share with you my take on what the leadership of RVUUF is up to in your service. Other leaders will also share what is happening from their perspective. But anytime you have a question or comment about RVUUF, you can email me or anyone in leadership. There is a difficulty in not ever being able to sit down face to face with folks and have a conversation, but we will do our best on email, the phone, texting or Zoom.

I do not know about you, but I find it a struggle to maintain my equanimity in the face of so much that is reality these days. Focusing on the well-being of our beloved community helps me on a day-to-day basis to stay grounded.

So what are we tackling as a Tripod of leadership: Board, Committee for Ministry and our Minister?

  • We are looking at planning our re-opening. Yes, we know that time is an unknown but we want everyone to have time to comment on a plan and help us to do a re-opening in the best and safest way. Roger Howe chairs this team.
  • We are looking at how to do a virtual congregational meeting in the fall with voting and time for questions and answers. Steve Weyer chairs this team.

On both of these task forces we have an amazing array of talents to ensure the best plans.

  • We are looking at even more ways to connect with each other than members and leadership have developed. This might be a long haul and we need to maintain and empower our connections.
  • We are reviewing the learning goals of 2019/2020 (<– click the link to download a PDF with the text of our learning goals) to see how we might carry these out in times of virtual reality.

And there is more. We have been studying new structures, policies, and procedures for updating Governance and Ministry. We have been using a shared ministry model to make sure the people responsible for a task also have the authority to carry out that task.

Change is in the air, but we have been doing big change for the last six years, so we should be fine as we move forward in a deliberate, intentional way.

So grateful to be able to serve this community I love so much and get to work with such an amazing group of leaders.

In Faith,

Diane M. Werich
President RVUUF Board 2020/21