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Be Not Afraid

The sentence most repeated in religious texts is “Be not afraid.” How do we set aside fear when asked or commanded to? What is the fear about and how do we counter it when we need or want to? What fears do we sometimes feel more out of habit than danger? What might we do … Continue reading Be Not Afraid

Peace, Solitude, and Being Alone

Being alone is not always the same as being lonely. As a culture, we are often taught to be afraid to turn off our devices, disconnect, and take time to be alone with ourselves. But over centuries, solitude has been held up as healthy, restorative, and necessary.

No One is an Island

Even though we are sometimes isolated or lonely, we are also connected in many deep and holy ways. Not only in ways related to our physical dependence and interdependence, but in ways that religion and spirituality hold up as sacred. Moments of enlightenment are most often described as realizations of unity with all that is. … Continue reading No One is an Island