Nuclear disarmament activist Greg Boertje-Obed will present a talk this Sunday, Aug. 7, after the service at RVUUF.
“Seventy one years after the atomic destruction, of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the resultant death and maiming of hundreds of thousands of civilians… What actions may citizens feel called to do, today, in the twenty first century, to prevent the further immoral and ‘illegal’ use of nuclear weapons?” This is the question that has been posed by Greg Boertje-Obed.
Greg’s presentation is hosted by RVUUF’s Social Justice and Action Committee.
Greg is one of three nuclear disarmament activists who, just over four years ago, on July 28, 2012, went into the grounds of the nuclear complex at Oak Ridge, Tenn. and committed an act of civil disobedience to highlight our nation’s continuing commitment to nuclear armaments. “Please come, and bear witness!”