Nan’s News: ‘We can adjust our sails’

Remember when 9/11 became the benchmark for how the world changed? Now it seems to be the morning after the election: 11/9. The obvious difference is that no one lost their life on 11/9 but many lost their rudder and sense of direction, including myself.

Before 11/9 I was going along fine, except for the distasteful political rhetoric that surrounded me every time I read the paper or turned on the news, or scrolled through Facebook. Since 11/9 my life feels like a sailboat without wind or a rudder. You may have even noticed me as a little withdrawn or less animated post 11/9.

I’ve experienced myself that way too. And frankly, I don’t like the feeling of being lost at sea but I can’t fight it or I could drown (at least that’s what I was taught if ever I was swimming against the tide). And then just today I noticed in my office a beautiful turquoise blue, like the ocean, hand towel hanging on my bookcase that says “When you can’t control the winds, adjust your sails.”

During the month of December I will be speaking on Sundays about the fear of darkness and the courage it takes to keeping moving on with life post 11/9. This is only one way of adjusting one’s sails when questioning whether or not you can handle what may be blown your way after 11/9.

No one knows what will come our way, but we can adjust our sails and resolve to sail on in community where we hoist up high our values of justice and freedom and peace, even stronger than before 11/9. Our voices and our lives truly need each other to defy the hate and injustices that we will continue to face.

May the month of December become the time for you to adjust your sails for the ride of your life. RVUUF’s journey from the “I” church to the “We” church will be tested in how well “we” will be able to live out our vision and mission as we face the dark waters ahead. Courageous sailing during the holy days and holidays!