Nan’s News: May you bless each other

This is my last Nan’s News.

I want to share with you the standard expectations when a minster leaves a congregation. In an effort to make room for and respect the incoming minister (even when you don’t yet know when/who that will be) and to bring closure with the outgoing minister, the request is for members of RVUUF to not have communication exchanges with me for a year. There will be continued communication between me and ministers who are interested in RVUUF. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

I want to make sure you know what to do if/when a member dies or a hospital crises occurs. Chaplain Pandora Canton with Asante hospital in Ashland has agreed to be available if needed. Your Board President, Jim Meckel, will have her contact information. The RVUUF Caring Team would need to be contacted by emailing Contacting the neighborhood group leader would be helpful too.

Over the next couples of months your new Board will be working on creating a covenant that will help them become unified in the their leadership. I encourage you to continue to use the covenant of right relations as a standard of how you want to be together, especially in the near future when the search for a Developmental minister continues.

You’ve blessed my life. May you bless each other.

May it be so.

Rev. Nan L. White
RVUUF Developmental Minister (2014-2017)