Nan’s News: Bringing closure in meaningful way

I am acutely aware of the time remaining I have with this Beloved Community at RVUUF with whom I’ve had the privilege to share the journey of life in the Rogue Valley of Oregon.

In my spare time Sam and I are busy at home trying to downsize, again, to prepare for a move across the country in July.

As I prepare for the few remaining Sunday services I will be leading, I am reminded that not only am I leaving RVUUF and the Developmental ministry serving you since 2014, I am also leaving ministry as my calling and profession for the last 40 years. How to bring closure in a way that is meaningful is what we all face at this time.

For me it means I get to plan and participate in Sunday services and there are two I want to mention now and encourage you to attend.

Sunday, May 14 is Mothers Day and there are five families with a total of eight children to be dedicated. I hope you’ll be present for and with these families and recommit your support to encourage and help them as part of the RVUUF family.

Then on May 21, the annual Flower Communion service will be held, a uniquely UU service steeped in history that lifts up inherent worth and Beloved Community. Everyone is invited to bring a flower to exchange during the service.

I’ll be giving a final Minister’s report at the annual congregational meeting that follows Flower Communion. May our remaining days together bring us meaning in ways that nurture us all.

Rev. Nan L. White
RVUUF Developmental Minister