Thank you to all who have contributed to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. We have been able to support multiple parties of folks needing help as the Winter months have come.
To highlight a few recipients:
-We supported a young mid twenties couple who are expecting their firstborn (a girl) on January 28th and were living in their van. We supported a month long stay at a local hotel, and were able to refer them to our partners at OHRA to get them approved for one year covered housing.
-We supported a couple who were living out of their vehicle and found themselves without anyplace to stay as their car got impounded and their dog taken to the animal shelter. We got their dog retrieved, put them up in a local motel for a few nights as they awaited further assistance from their family in a few days.
-We supported an 80-year old local woman who needed help with renting her room as her SS benefits would not cover it.
-We supported a young single mother with rental assistance.
Our actions have not gone unheard and our friends/partners at OHRA have sought to enhance our relationship and look forward together with other places of worship to strengthen our collective support to those who are struggling with housing in this time.
If anyone in our community is in need of assistance, you can have them send a request. We are here to help.