Ministerial Discretionary Fund distributes $4,000

During the fifth Sunday of a month, the offering that is collected, goes to the Ministerial Discretionary Fund. During the most recent fifth Sunday, Oct. 29, givers’ generous contributions provided $547.

During the last 12 months, more than $4,000 in donations went directly back out into the local community to assist 54 individuals and families in dire need.

Would-be givers don’t have to wait for a special offering to contribute to the Ministerial Discretionary Fund. Simply write “Minister’s Discretionary Fund” on the memo line of your check and drop it in the basket on any Sunday.

This week’s “News to Note” includes this reminder: “Winter is coming, and at this time of year the needs will pour in. The more we have, the more good we can do. Thank you for Embracing and Empowering people in need in our community, and for Engaging in the Work of improving lives every day.”