On Sunday, February 16, 2020 Rev. Sean Parker Dennison was called by the congregation to be our settled minister. He had served as our Developmental Minister since September of 2017.

​Rev. Sean’s office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Wednesday, 3 to 7 p.m. Rev. Sean is also available at other times by scheduling an appointment at the link below.

Rev. Sean is a graduate of Starr King School for the Ministry and was ordained in 2000. He has served in interim, sabbatical and settled ministries from Illinois to Utah to California. Alongside his congregational work, Rev. Sean has served Unitarian Universalism in a variety of ways including serving on committees for the UUA and the UU Ministers Association (UUMA) and on the board of Starr King School for the Ministry. He was chosen to present the 2015 Berry Street Essay and is the author of the 2020 InSpirit book of mediations, Breaking and Blessing.

Rev. Sean also co-founded (with Rev. Mr. Barb Greve) Transgender Religious Professional UUs Together (TRUUsT), a support and advocacy group for transgender and nonbinary UU religious leaders. Occasionally, Rev. Sean shares the story of his own transition (now 24 years ago) in classrooms and at conferences as a part of his ministry, and encourages: “If you’d like to know more about that part of my story, just ask.”

Rev. Sean also describes himself as “an artist (painting, poetry, and photography) and a bit of a geek. I consider my presence on social media an important part of my ministry.” He also has a son and three amazing granddaughters who live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

You can use Rev. Sean’s online calendar to schedule an appointment. You can also use RVUUF’s Minister Contact Form to send Rev. Sean a message.

Meet RVUUF’s Staff

Settled Minister — Rev. Sean Parker Dennison

Congregational Administrator — Shawn Saleme

Music Director — Julie Crooks

Pianists — Jen Marie Davidson, Jane Manning

Religious Explorations — Liz Bianco

Facilities —Wallis Blossom