Looking forward to new year

Summer seems to have flown by, so the summer winds (and smoke) brings me to the first Nan’s News for the new church year in News to Note. I feel rested, refueled, and ready to continue on our path together in this second Developmental Ministry relationship with RVUUF.

A few things I’ve noticed over the summer: the new format for News to Note, a.k.a. MailChimp, is looking good and informative including access to past copies of News to Note. Please thank Dawn for her good work.

Additionally, the website is looking good and informative as Cynthia (Web Editor) continues to add information about RVUUF for marketing purposes. Thanks to Cynthia too. We are working on getting a Google calendar of RVUUF activities posted so you’ll easily know what’s going on, so stay tuned as glitches are worked out.

There is a special RVUUF blog on our website that will always be changing to keep it current and it’s a good way to keep up with things too. My intention this year is to write a blog once a month in addition to Nan’s News in News to Note. With all that will be happening at RVUUF this fall I’m guessing I’ll have something to write about!

The plans for starting the Soul Matters program have been in the works all summer and we can thank Mary Rexford and Ann Hackett for getting the Survey Monkey ready for everyone to register for Soul Matters Circles beginning Aug. 30.

One thing I learned and reflected on over the summer is how last year I wasn’t great about sticking to my email response plan, which was “no email on Mondays, my off day.” I’d like to try it again this year and in order to help me and remind you, I will post at the bottom of my email response to you a gentle reminder that I won’t look at email on Mondays. Unplugging weekly from the internet is a healthy practice and my intention is to practice.

My office hours will be the same as last year, Tuesday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays are sermon writing and study days. I’m always available to meet with you and it only takes making a day/time commitment we mutually agree upon. In between times I hope to see you at RVUUF or in the community living your precious lives. I’m glad to be back and look very forward to this year.