Leadership Corner

Where to begin? We have had so many challenges as citizens, as humans and as RVUUFians. Our beloved sanctuary has been closed for 10 months. We face a pandemic of unimaginable consequences and our country is in tatters. But as the sages say, this could be a time of real change if we stay awake and act.

I will leave the justice issues to our Social Justice team, and our duties of citizenship to each of you, and focus on our leadership work at RVUUF.

For 5 years we have been re-imagining ourselves, working in a focused way to do church more effectively and more aligned with our mission. That work was certainly challenged by the pandemic and the steps we have had to take to ensure safety.

The leadership tripod (Board, Minister and Committee for Ministry) has responded to the crisis of Covid by detailing reopening criteria and figuring out how to hold congregational meetings online. We hope you joined us in December for our discussion on the leadership model we have developed over the last year and will join us for our next discussion soon on the role and responsibilities of the congregation. All of these discussions are to share what we are working on and get your feedback.

I want you to notice that despite Covid, the work of this congregation has gone on. Groups are meeting, Social Justice has entered a pilot project with the City of Ashland and OHRA to house homeless folks in pallet houses in our parking lot. The 2 Anti-Racism groups meet three Saturdays every month and are experiencing deep trans-formative work. The Sangha continues to meet. Coffee hour has surprised many by offering moments of deep intimacy and our Sunday services have offered us diversity in voice and music.

Though we long to be together in person we will bring some of our Covid adaptations along with us when the pandemic is over. Silver linings, perhaps, but inspirations for sure. There are those darn opportunities in all of the challenges we face and I am sure we will not turn our backs on them, now or for our tomorrows.

Diane Werich, Board President