Laundry Love is third-Sunday recipient for June 2017

Laundry Love,” which has an effort in Ashland, Oregon, will be the recipient of the third-Sunday offering, this Sunday, June 18, at RVUUF. RVUUF member, Martha de Aquino and United Church of Christ member, Laurie Carter will speak about their volunteer experience with Laundry Love each month.

Laundry Love is an organization that assists people who are struggling financially. Once a month, local affiliates partner with local laundromats to clean the clothing of people who live in shelters, motels, cars, garages and on the streets.

According to the organization’s website, the story of Laundry Love began with a conversation more than 12 years ago with T-Bone (Eric), a homeless man living in Ventura, Calif.

“The question was asked of him: ‘T-Bone, how can we come alongside your life in a way that would matter?’ His response was honest and practical. ‘If I had clean clothes I think people would treat me like a human being.’”

The organization’s dream dream is to see “the 30,000+ laundromats nationwide” host Laundry Love efforts. Its website documents, “to date,” 1 million loads of laundry done, and more than 750,000 people cared for.

RVUUF’s Social Justice and Action Committee selects a non-profit group to be the recipient of collection-plate offerings taken on the third Sunday of each month. Use RVUUF’s contact form to connect with the Social Justice and Action Committee.