The RVUUF Seasonal Rituals Group warmly invites UUs and guests to celebrate the Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21, Under the Balcony at RVUUF.
We will begin our ritual at 1:00 pm and conclude about an hour later. Our ritual entails background lore, a procession, candle kindling, several songs and readings, our Chime of Inception, and more.
All these regard four Key Themes: Signs of the Season; the Winter Sun; Inception and Gestation; and music about ritual plants of the Solstice. Do you wish to wear our Solstice color–Indigo? That’s great–or you can borrow one of our Indigo sashes that day.
Do you wish to bring along a sprig of evergreen for use in the ritual?
That’s great–or you can use a sprig we provide. On the annual Circle of the Seasons, this ritual marks Deep Winter and the shortest daylight of the year.
Come, gather with us for the Winter Solstice!
(Our next ritual will be about seven weeks from now.)
For information, contact Vern Crawford, 541-631-1785.