How is RVUUF ‘welcoming’?

Rainbow bars fan out on either side of the Unitarian Universalist logo. Beneath them is the caption, 'LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation.'

RVUUF is recognized by the UUA as a GLBTQ “Welcoming Congregation.” During the Oct. 4 service, RVUUF will reflect on where we are, and where there may be still room to grow in supporting our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters. For this service, RVUUF would like to hear from you: What do we do that welcomes the GLBTQ community to our church? As a GLBTQ person, what has RVUUF done that has made you feel welcome here? What could we do better? Contact Alison or Lois via RVUUF’s Contact Form with your ideas by the end of September.