Further Developments: May has arrived

Dear Friends,

We’ve arrived at the merry month of May! Our first Sunday this month (May 6) will celebrate our Soul Matters theme of Creativity with the springtime celebration created by Rev. Norbert and Maja Capek. Called the “Flower Ceremony” or “Flower Communion,” it’s a beautiful ritual that reminds us of the importance of diversity and beauty in our lives and community. Please bring a flower to share!

There’s a lot of work that gets done this month. We’ll have a congregational conversation after the Flower Ceremony to introduce the budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19, nominations for the Board, and to consider endorsing a position against efforts to rescind Oregon’s status as a sanctuary state for immigrants. Then, on May 20, we will have the annual Congregational Meeting to vote on these things.

Other exciting things happening at RVUUF this month include: a special meeting of the Worship Team to strategize and organize for next year; a congregational game night for all ages; a visit from Sarah Schurr, who is our contact and connection to the Pacific Western Region, to meet with the Committee on the Fellowship’s Ministry, the Board, and myself. We will be collaborating on a covenant to help us clarify our responsibilities and agreements to continue to strengthen RVUUF’s mission and ministry; ongoing work to reorganize our Welcoming and Membership Teams, and interviews for a part-time Administrative Assistant to support our Office Manager and RVUUF Builder volunteers.

All of this good work will help us continue to be healthy as we ready ourselves for the work of imagining our future as creatively and courageously as we can. According to this article, the key to creativity is not to imagine outcomes, but to imagine the process of getting to the outcome. So, I invite you, during this month when we will explore creativity, to ponder the process of living out our mission. how will we embrace diversity, empower connection, and engage in the work? What will it look like while we are doing it?

Love will guide us,

Rev. Sean

P.S. A reminder: If you’d like to find a time to meet with me, the best way is to go to calendly.com/seanden. If you’re not the type to use online tools, you can call the office during the week, when a RVUUF builder (office volunteer) can help you make an appointment. My regular office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon and Wednesday from 3 to 7 p.m. I’m available at many other times by appointment.

A Note from Rev. Theresa

Dear Friends at RVUUF:

It’s a beautiful Spring day and I am grateful. Rev. Sean and I spent a few fantastic days in Portland for the regional assembly. We enjoyed crossing paths with RVUUF members. This is a special love note for all of you.

I have healed enough from my accident to engage with some of my responsibilities, both to our denomination and to my own ministry. I know some people are wondering what my ministry will be like. This summer, it includes preaching at ordinations and other events, being the special guest speaker at a Unitarian Universalist summer camp, and plenty of writing and art making.

Some people have voiced a concern that if I’m not happy here, our family won’t stay long and Rev. Sean won’t be able to continue being your minister. That’s not actually how it works for me. I have been so delighted with your partnership with Rev. Sean and the way that you work continuously on embodying Beloved Community. This really matters and I have every intention of supporting your future together.

I am settling well into Ashland and have the things that make me feel comfortable and at home, including my hairdresser, the best tacos and tater tots, and my favorite views. I am so grateful for the ways that Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is vibrant and focused on depth and growth. This is so important for me and something I welcome and celebrate in my life.

Thank you for choosing Rev. Sean. You have chosen someone who is prepared to love you and work beside you. I am glad to join you.

In faith and covenant,

Rev. Theresa I. Soto