Frequently Asked Questions/FAQ
- How can I watch the Sunday service online? An email with links to the Sunday morning worship is sent out Sundays at 6am.
- I heard there are videos of past services. Where do I find them? On the Past Worship Services page you will see a list of dates and titles. Click the one you want to see, and you will be taken to a page for that service. You’ll probably find a video embedded on the page. Older services don’t have the video on the page but they are probably posted on our YouTube channel and there are instructions for finding them on the Past Worship Service page.
- How do I join the online coffee hour? The links for 1:00pm Zoom Coffee Hour can be found in Sunday morning email.
- My Zoom link for the coffee hour isn’t working. Try following the instructions for joining with Meeting ID and Passcode.
- How do I find out about events and news at RVUUF? News to Note eNews is sent out via email every Friday at noon.
- I signed up for the email list but I’m not receiving anything. Why not? It might be going into the promo tab of your email inbox. You can probably find it by searching “RVUUF.” Then if you move it into your primary inbox, a message should pop up asking if you’d like News to Note to go into your primary inbox in the future.