Film screening: ‘OLD?!’

Promotional image for film 'OLD?!' Rectangular image is divided into three vertical rows. Across top row are four pictures close-up pictures of children of various ages. In the middle row, the name of the film, 'OLD?!' is centered. And across the bottom row are close-up pictures of four adultsRogue Valley UU Fellowship and Rogue Rainbow Elders will present a free community screening of “OLD?!”, 7 p.m. Sunday, March 13 at RVUUF.

Produced and directed by Ashland resident, Kathy Roselli,“OLD?!” features personal stories from more than 70 Rogue Valley individuals aged 10 days to 101 years old. “In a culture that is routinely fearful of growing old and doesn’t offer us much spiritual support along the way, ‘OLD?!’ acknowledges the importance of age through real-life stories. By the end of the film we are invited to embrace our own aging process.”

“OLD?!” is Winner of the Best of Fest Award 2015, Real to Reel International Film Festival (North Carolina) and the Creative Storytelling Award at the 2015 Jefferson Flixx Fest (Fort Jones, Calif.).