Engage in the Work: 2020 Actions of Immediate Witness

During Unitarian Universalist General Assembly (GA), delegates from Unitarian Universalist congregations have the opportunity to propose and vote on social justice statements. These statements aren’t binding for congregations (UUs don’t love being told what we have to do!), rather they express the sentiment of the denomination as expressed by the General Assembly, and offer us an invitation to work in community with our siblings in faith toward the goals articulated in these statements. To pass a vote of the delegates at General Assembly, these social justice statements must receive at least two thirds (67%) of the votes.

Last month, the 2020 General Assembly passed two of these social-justice statements, called “Actions of Immediate Witness” (AIW). This name reminds us that, while there is value in stating a position on social justice issues, the most important part is taking action, or “engaging in the work” as our RVUUF mission statement says. This name also points to the purpose of these statements — they are IMMEDIATE, related to the specific moment in which we come together to vote, responding to events happening around us. Both the 2020 AIWs passed with more than 80% of the vote. Read on to learn more about this year’s Actions of Immediate Witness. You are invited to consider how our congregation and the smaller groups within the congregation that you are a part of can live in to these statements and participate in the action of immediate witness. You are also encouraged to take pride in the ways that RVUUF is already engaging in the work we are called to by these AIWs.

Amen to Uprising: A Commitment & Call to Action

Description: This AIW is a call to action for Unitarian Universalists to engage in the larger movement to end anti-Blackness and defund the police. This current global political moment is presenting us with unique and urgent possibility. With specific attention to our universalist theology, we imagine the possibility of a world free from policing. This AIW affirms our renewed commitment to creating authentic justice rather than relying on state violence.

Read the UUA’s press release on this statement HERE. Read the text of the AIW as passed HERE (this will download a PDF of the AIW to your device).

Address 400 Years of White Supremacist Colonialism

Description: This AIW describes the reasons why Unitarian Universalists must remember and address the European invasion of this continent, the genocide of the original peoples and the ongoing destruction of our earth. It offers priority actions which Unitarian Universalists can take in solidarity with Indigenous-led movements and struggles.

Read the UUA’s press release on this statement HERE. Read the text of the AIW as passed HERE.