Draft mission statements: Please give feedback

The Writing Team has written the following DRAFT Mission statements to be discussed and ranked at Cottage meetings. Please spend time reflecting on the identity and purpose of RVUUF with each statement. Sign up for a Cottage meeting to give your feedback. Sign-up sheets are in the Great Hall.

1. We are a welcoming home for seekers and doubters, a liberal, progressive presence in our community and beyond.

2. Together, we walk the path of truth and justice
Committing our hands to the service of others
Our hearts to the urgings of compassion,
Nurturing peace at home and in the world.

3. We journey together in compassionate community enriched by multi-generational connections, striving for justice and peace in our community and in the world.

4. We listen with respect and open hearts to the many voices seeking truth, and join together in service for justice and peace.

5. We are a liberal faith community, nurturing our individual and communal spirits, embracing oneness and diversity, working together for peace and justice.

6. Our purpose is to nurture spirit, embrace our oneness and our diversity, and work for peace and justice in the world.