Further Developments: Be a part of conversation about RVUUF’s future

Dear Friends,

This update is full of important news and we hope you will read it all the way to the end!

First, this Sunday is the end of Daylight Savings Time. Set your clocks BACK an hour before bed Saturday night. If you don’t, you’ll be early to church…but that just means more time to spend with the amazing people of RVUUF.

This Sunday is also our first congregation-wide conversation on RVUUF’s future. We want all members, friends, visitors, and people who have an interest to join us and give their input about where RVUUF is headed. We’ll have our regular Sunday Service at 10:30, followed by the workshop (with lunch for those participating) soon after. The three BIG QUESTIONS we are asking this time are:

Who do we want to be?
Whom do we serve?
What choices do we have?

These guiding questions are meant to help us think about our place in the changing world, the Rogue Valley, and in the lives of people of all ages, backgrounds, and situations. Be prepared to listen deeply as well as speak up with your dreams and ideas.

The last bit of good news is that at their October meeting, the Board of Directors unanimously approved an affiliation agreement between the congregation and Rev. Theresa I. Soto (Rev. Sean’s partner.) Rev. Theresa’s ministry will focus primarily on Connection groups with people of color and pastoral care.

They (Rev. Theresa uses the singular “they” as their pronoun) say, “I’m thrilled to partner with RVUUF to explore expressions of Unitarian Universalism and community education both within and beyond the congregation.”

According to the Unitarian Universalist Association, affiliation “includes a pledge of continuing relationship and support and affirmation that the work is recognized by the endorsing body as ministry.”

We look forward to ministering together with you.

Love will guide us,

Rev. Sean and Rev. Theresa

P.S. from Rev. Sean: I am very present on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and consider them part of my ministry. I do not make friend requests to congregants, but will accept requests from people I know. You are also always welcome to choose to “follow” rather than “friend.” RVUUF also has both Facebook and Twitter accounts. If you are an active Social Media user, let us know!

And, as always, If you’d like to find a time to meet with me, the easiest and most efficient way is to go to calendly.com/seanden. If you’re not the type to use online tools, you can call the office during the week, when a RVUUF Builder office volunteer can help you make an appointment. My regular office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 10 am to noon and Wednesday 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. I’m available other times by appointment.