CFM identifies social media guidelines

The Committee on Fellowship Ministry (CFM) has the responsibility of promoting healthy, respectful communications in our Fellowship. The Covenant of Right Relations identifies the commitments we have made to one another as members of this Community.

The promises made in that document extends also to our communications with each other through social media. To that end, we have identified some guidelines for maintaining right relations whether through email, Facebook, Twitter, or others.

In all our social media communications, we need to portray a welcoming and positive message as it is always a possibility that communications sent to one individual or group may be seen by unintended viewers. There is no guarantee of anonymity in any of our social media communications.

If you wish to forward a post/message, it should be with the permission of the originator of the post. Refrain from gossip. If you have concerns about a member or a congregational issue, these should be addressed directly on a person-to-person basis. Use the Conflict Resolution process if needed. All posts/messages need to be clearly signed by the originator of the post as anonymity is not acceptable within our Covenant.

We hope these Covenant-based guidelines will serve to maintain and enhance healthy communications in all our on-line relationships.

— Rosalie Caffrey and the Committee on Fellowship Ministry